August 6, 2013WISE Self Defence workshop
This is a friendly reminder that the free workshop in self defence and community safety is on this Thursday, the 8th August, at the Vines Road Community Centre at 7 pm. I would love for you to come and to let others know of this powerful workshop. If I may, I would like to share a little more on the mindset behind this class.
I am a self defence instructor with 28 years of experience and I have been empowering women through free workshops. I have had a lot of women comment that after the incident with Jill Meagher that they feel more vulnerable and have changed their habits because of a lack of safety. It is through these free workshops that I have had testimony that the program helped them to feel more empowered and more prepared.
With this thought in mind, I wanted to run the program to the wider community and give them the opportunity to have access to this knowledge.
I was hoping that you would support this program and allow your family and friends to learn the skills to help ease the fear that the community is still feeling and how we can deal with it by empowering them through this class.
Vines Road Community Centre has gladly donated the room for the event.
Anyone of any ability or disability can come and do the class. I specialise in teaching the vulnerable. I wanted to give access to all, especially children and the elderly. The current story with Peter Dupas being interviewed over the murder of Kathleen Downes, 95 years old, gives us a reminder that we all need to know skills to defuse, avoid and also to combat a shocking attack.
I want women to feel safe, empowered and have a sense of control and give back the power to the people, and not be consumed by the fear of attackers and the fear of a maybe.
I would greatly appreciate your support in allowing the community to know that they can come and get their questions answered by an expert that has trained with masters from all over the world.
I am a four-times Australian Champion in Taekwondo. I represented Australia and became a bronze medallist internationally. I have studied Ninjitsu, Krav Maga and Pressure Point tactics and worked with people from the FBI. I have also studied Human Behaviour and Behavioural Change, to assist me in teaching a dynamic program.
I have worked with Victims of Crime, Australian Sports Commission and worked with corporate organisations throughout Australia. I estimate that I have taught more than 100 000 people in my teaching career.
I wanted you and the community to know the depth of my knowledge and the breadth of where this knowledge comes from. The class is not a martial arts class. It is a class that looks at all aspects of self defence, and fighting is only one.
I would love to share with you further and if you have an ability to attend the class that would be fantastic.
Please contact me if you would like any more clarity or would like any questions answered.
I appreciate your time.
It is time to look after your family and keep them safe. What would it cost you if you didn’t? It is time to value you and the ones you love.
Please contact WISE Self Defence for more information or to register.